Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Finished Posters

Ancillary task - Feedback

We had a lot of positive comments about the film poster. People like the simplistic design and that it's in black and white. 'Black and white with the contrasting colours of the eyes works really well'. Some thought it was a bit too simplistic and wanted more information about the film and the producttion company.

Our feedback on the review was the again encouraging, with a lot of people commenting on the effective use of our two main characters as the faded background of our review page. Most people thought the review was well written and included an interesting synopsis. The only consistent critisism was the layout out of the review. Most exepcted a more conventional layout of multiple columns. We did think about this but decided against it because our review is on one A4 page and thought putting the text into colums might make it look too compact.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Further audience research

I decided to ask my Dad the same questions Jack and I asked some of the students at our 6th form. I did this because I wanted to see if there was any difference in the interests and knowledge of short film and superhero stories between the generation. My Dad has no keen interest in film or the media industry; and I would say he is a fair representation of people his age who watch the occasional film or television series for a little light-hearted  entertainment and nothing more. It's these people that make up the majority of viewers and therefore the ones I should be trying to understand.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Audience Research

We wanted our audience research to be specific to our idea, i.e. we incorporated questions about how much people understand about about short film, as well as people's thoughts on superhero stories. In keeping it relevant and specific to us and our film, we can take more from the research.